Dashboard Selection

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By default, each view has one default dashboard available showing the collected data through different widgets.

If you have custom dashboards in addition to the default one, then multiple sets of dashboards can be assigned to you when it comes to results display. If this is the case, you can see a little arrow pointing down in the main menu for Results. Once you click on it, a list of all available dashboards shows up. Click on the name of the dashboard for the results you’d like to see.

Now, let’s cover the default dashboards since customised ones can differ from client to client. Each dashboard has a default tab called “Overview“. Widgets in this tab are divided into sections based on the number of Flows. Each question from the flow has its own widget, and the name of the flow is always displayed on the top. Each widget shows you the results for the specific question, and you can also see how many feedbacks are representing the results = how many feedbacks are collected. If you want to know the specific question the widget is showing the data for, click on the little “i” icon placed in the top left corner of each widget.

If you see a “layers” icon, it means that the question is part of multiple flows. The widget you currently see shows you the results only for the flow of the section you are in. Once you click on the icon, you see a list of the flows the specific question is used in. When you click on the widget, cumulative data will be available. You can learn more about Shared elements here.

The Overview tab shows you the bigger picture = key metrics without any details. If you prefer to see the details, simply click on the widget, and you’ll be automatically redirected to the details = you’ll be moved to the specific tab. These detailed statistics are placed within the tabs right next to the Overview. Each unique question created in the flow has its own tab. The name of the tab is the internal name set for each question. You can learn more about internal names in the Elements Configuration & Conditioning.

These detailed tabs consist of the question’s name used in the flow, the amount of feedback collected and a set of variations, progress, and other detailed widgets.

Are you interested in custom dashboards? Contact your Customer Success Manager and find out more!

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