Draft & Publish Flow Statuses

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We work with two statuses when it comes to feedback flows.

Draft (highlighted in yellow) This status means that the flow is in the making, and there is no final version yet. Flows in this status cannot be used for distribution, so no feedback can be collected from them. Each new flow or duplicate flow is automatically assigned the draft status.

Published (highlighted in green) This status means that the flow is in production or is ready for production, i.e., feedback collection.

Now, let’s go through the most common questions:

How to preview the draft version/published version?
Anytime you adjust an already published flow, the draft status is automatically assigned to such flow. Once you open the flow by clicking on the flow block, you can see the latest version (draft version). You can access both versions by clicking on the context menu (three dots) at the top right corner of the flow block and choosing between previewing the draft version or previewing the published version. Learn more about the Preview Flow Options here.

How to publish a flow draft?
Open the flow in question by clicking on the flow block. A new page appears. Click on the “Publish” button located at the top right corner. Draft status will be automatically removed afterwards.

How to delete the draft version of the flow and keep the published version?
Click on the context menu (three dots) located at the top right corner of the flow block and choose the “Discard draft” option.

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Draft & Publish Flow Statuses

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