Duplicating a Flow

Estimated reading: 2 min 35 views

If you need to create a Flow that is identical or similar to one already in use, feel free to use the “Duplicate” option found in the Flow Editor tab within the campaign’s main menu.

To initiate the duplication process, simply select the “Duplicate” option from the context menu (three dots) located in the top right corner of the flow block.

A new window pops up offering you two options:

1. Duplicate as copy: This option will create a copy that is not connected to the original version. You can freely rewrite the questions in the duplicate without affecting the original flow. Also, widgets in the dashboards (charts, tables) will consider this a set of new questions for which we collect the data separately.

2. Duplicate with shared questions: The shared questions version ensures that the original and duplicate flows are connected to each other. This means that once you rewrite the shared questions in one flow, they will be adjusted in the second flow as well. This only applies to the text and design of the questions and elements, not to visibility, conditions, or optionality.

No matter which option you choose, duplicated flow is saved as a draft, signalling that the flow is still in the making. You can learn more about Draft & Published Flow Statuses here.

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Duplicating a Flow

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